Transport Safety

Driving for work: Four essential safety tips

Many people spend time driving as part of their daily work responsibilities - the team at Hendy Group provide tips for employees on the road. Read More

Managing the risks of workplace transport

Vehicle-related deaths and injuries are preventable if employers take the right steps to assess the risks and implement the right control measures, says Dr Karen McDonnell, at RoSPA. Read More

The independent water safety audit

SHP hears from the team at Water Hygiene Centre who break down the process of a water safety audit and provide guidance on each step. Read More

Fuelling the eco-driving conversation

Dr Karen McDonnell, Head of Global Relations at RoSPA asks: are your drivers eco-warriors or fuel vampires? Read More

National Highways: “Why aren’t road collisions RIDDOR reportable?”

A National Highways conference focused on what health and safety professionals should be doing to increase driver-centric safety measures. Read More

Heathrow Airport’s Roly Latif – “Shift focus to more things going right”

For this year’s EHS Congress taking place between 22-24 May, we speak to Roly Latif, Head of Health and Safety for Infrastructure at Heathrow Airport ahead of his talk at the event. Read More

Legionella Management: Who can be appointed as RP, DRP, AP or CP?

In this article from Water Hygiene Center, Peter Gunn explores the various roles that exist within an organisation's water safety team. Read More

Infrastructure safety: Learning from Baltimore

Kevin Barr on why the Baltimore bridge collapse should trigger a new approach to the safety and integrity of large infrastructure. Read More

Drug and alcohol testing in a UK airport environment

Portable technology solutions for in-house testing were recently implemented at a UK airport. Mark Barrup, at Dräger Safety UK explains the benefits of such a process. Read More

Investigation begins as bridge was “up to code”

The National Transportation Safety Board has dispatched investigators to the site, while Governor says structure adhered to safety standards. Read More